12-16 Jun 2017 Paris (France)




The deadline for the registration and abstract submission was March 31st 2017. We cannot accept new registrations.

The registration included two steps: 1. register clicking on "Registration" and then 2. submit an abstract clicking on "Abstract submission"

If you did not register (but submitted an abstract before March 31st) we did not have your email. If you would like to participate to the conference you need to: 1. register clicking on "Registration" 2. pay the registration fee (see below).


Registration fee

The participants in the 'List of Participants' webpage are accepted and have to pay the registration fee to participate to the conference. We will update the list of participants after the deadline for the payment of the registration fee.

The registered participants have received an email with the instructions to pay the registration fee. If you submitted an abstract for an oral or poster presentation but did not register, you should have received an email with the information on May 9th: please register so as soon as possible if you would like to participate to the conference.

We voted all abstracts submitted before the deadline (even if you forgot to register).

The registration fee is 250 Euros, includes coffee breaks and the welcome cocktail. The registration fee payment will be closed on May 15th 2017. 

The registration fee is not refundable.

We thank the Observatory of Paris (https://www.obspm.fr/?lang=en), the DIM ACAV (https://dimacav.obspm.fr/), and the CNRS Programme Nationale Cosmologie et Galaxies (http://www.cnrs.fr/ and http://www.iap.fr/pncg/pncg/Accueil.html) for their generous support.


Oral and Poster presentations

The oral presentations that were not accepted are poster presentations.

We do have a waiting list for oral presentations if we will have oral presentation cancellations.

All poster presentations submitted before March 31st were accepted.

The talk and poster pdf files will be published on Zenodo (https://zenodo.org/). We will send more information.





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